
The Lion, the Honey Badger and the Restroom

I recently read a story that occurred at Tanda Tula concerning a honey badger and lioness. You may remember Will and I coming across the former in Alledeghi, Ethiopia. Given that, I thought it only appropriate to reference this tale.

It’s a long story, and if you have the time, do give it a read. However, to cut things short, while the guests were sitting down to dinner at luxury lodge Tanda Tula, a lioness was seen to have tracked the honey badger into one of the lodge’s restrooms, an event that would have passed by unnoticed had it not been for its tail poking through said restroom’s door.

Gathered around a window, with baited breath, guests were treated to a short-lived battle, where both animals eventually emerged – ‘the lioness’, as the story goes on to tell, ‘shredded from head to chest … the honey badger, relatively unhurt’. Is this any surprise seeing that the Guinness Book of World Records (no less), calls the honey badger the ‘world’s most fearless creature’?

This isn’t the first time Tanda Tula and honey badgers have had a run in. I also read about two honey badgers finding their way into the bar after hours, drinking some beer, wrecking the joint in a bar fight and then being found and chased out by a dazed Don Scott, the owner. There are plenty more.

For anyone variously worried about the previous: as soon as both lioness and honey badger were free from one another’s stalemate grip, both animals shot off in opposite directions, signifying, I think, their relative wellbeing after the event. Plus, let me assure you that all guests were safe. Don takes guest security with regards to wild animals extremely seriously. Everyone was absolutely fine, moreover, fortunate to have witnessed an event so rare.

The moral of the story? Remember to close the door after visiting the restroom and going to bed. The message? Keep an open mind at all times – you never know what’s round the corner. The call to action? Kruger: go!

(Top Photo by Dana Allen, Wilderness Safaris)

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