
The Manager, the Ranch and the Safari from Heaven

I first came across Jochen Zeitz when a friend recommended I read his book, The Manager and the Monk, co-authored with Father Anselm Grun. Subtitled A Discourse on Prayer, Profit and Principles, it’s a wonderfully insightful treatise on the fundamental importance of developing an ethics for managing responsibly – and sustainably.

You probably know it. And if you do, then you’ll also know that Zeitz was CEO and Chairman of Puma – at an age when you and I were still practicing our signatures. I’m joking, but you get the point. He’s something else. So, no surprise to learn, shortly after reading his book, that he has shares in Wilderness Safaris and has spent time and money reclaiming 50,000 acres of land in northern Kenya, on which he has built Segera Retreat.

Again, apologies if you already know about Segera, but briefly: it’s what you might expect and more. It’s an extraordinarily luxurious eco-lodge; its  a conservation hothouse; and it’s an exhibition space for some of Africa’s major artists. Sophy Roberts, in a recent Departures piece, described it as ‘like stepping into the Africa Pavilion at the Venice Biennale.’ Like Zeitz, it’s unique.

All of which is preamble to announcing that Segera, and therefore Zeitz, has recently donated a $50,000 safari, designed by Journeys by Design, to the Clinton Foundation. It’s been sold for $750,000. I say this not just because we were involved (clearly, it’s an honour), but rather as means of highlighting the huge potential there is for using safaris as a revenue raising tool. It’s good for us, and for Segera, as well as for the charity. It’s a win-win-win situation. A real no brainer.

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