Journeys by Design Team Foraging near Firle in the South Downs

Change afoot at JbD

Much has happened in the life of JbD over the last month or so. For one thing, I have left my throne over-looking London Road and have taken up residence next to Angela as well as Emma and Rosanna, the two newest members of the team.

As you may know, just before Christmas, we were given the wonderful news that Maddy was pregnant. Five months later and given the stresses and strains of running operations during this busy time, she is more than ready, not to mention deserving of her maternity leave. Not that having a baby in the least bit gives any form of R&R. In any case Rosanna will be taking over Maddy’s role for the next year while she is on maternity leave.

Another significant change in the office is that Jamie will be leaving the marketing side of things and joining the sales team full time as sales assistant, with Frankie heading up client logistics. Which means Emma Baker, the other newest member, will be Angela’s right hand in marketing, covering every description of task from overseeing social media, the new website, brochures, press and generally organising Angela’s schedule as she begins to transcend the meaning of busy.

As if this wasn’t enough, Paul Herbertson from Fauna and Flora International will be joining us for a job share (with FFI) two and a half days a week managing Wild Philanthropy’s investment opportunities in at-risk ecosystems. For more information on the investments that Wild Philanthropy are making, please visit or contact

So there you have it. Following on from our most recent brochure, Change, change is certainly afoot. We are transitioning. Watch. This. Space.

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