Dispatch, Rare

Change is afoot: presenting you with our new brochure

I am very proud to present Journeys by Design’s new brochure, put together by Jamie and Angela, alongside our designers, the magnificent One Darnley Road. If you’re on our mailing list, then you’ll already, I’m sure, know Change.

If not, then, after working tirelessly for weeks on end, with late nights in the office and coffee consumed by the truck load, it was sent out in January and, as with our previous brochures, gives a glimpse as to Journeys by Design’s current focus – change.

That is change as a company, but also change to Africa, and even the wider, global community. Journeys by Design recently moved office and, while at times this has been trying on our energy levels and ability to juggle the smooth running of a company with effectively building and moving to a new office, we have emerged from the trial and tribulations of change armed with new ambitions, missions, focuses and goals.

Indeed, we have just taken on Grant, our new finance manager, Paul, destination specialist, and Jamie, sales assistant and marketing extraordinaire. Not to forget me (!), equally new to the organisation, assisting Will in setting up our new sister venture Wild Philanthropy (WP).

And now on the latter point – change in Africa. Here’s what Will has to say in his introductory letter:

‘Africa is at a crossroads. When its enormous resources are realised, it will be the world’s most powerful continent. While I’m certain that this will be the case, I am equally convinced that unless we stop to take stock and plan properly, we risk losing much of what makes it extraordinary. Rising populations and climate change are the main culprits, but so is decision making that puts short-term benefit ahead of the good of Africa as a whole.’

However, the subject of change is not to highlight all that’s going wrong, but ‘rather to draw’, as Will goes on to say, ‘attention to those whose energy and fresh ideas are having a hugely positive effect on the way we manage our wildernesses’. In other words, a new balance is required, one that recognises the importance of implementing intelligent long-term plans for the good of wild Africa.

Further, the brochure is ‘a means’, says Will, ‘of properly introducing Wild Philanthropy, our sister venture.’ In a nutshell, WP is an enterprise with all the makings of a first-rate travel company, but using the majority of revenue to invest in a portfolio of areas and initiatives that we represent in our core ecosystems project. It’s about giving clients the opportunity to create a longer term, more meaningful relationship with Africa – a conservation legacy.

So there it is. Change is afoot, both in Brighton and in Africa. If you get the chance, do download a digital copy of Change here. Alternatively, give us a call. I’d be delighted to send you a hard copy.

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