Centurion Article Journeys by Design

A nod from Centurion Magazine

I know I always begin a post about a piece of press promising a short, to-the-point blog, and then tend to go on way too long, but let me say it now: this is a short, to-the-point blog directing your attention to a little piece in Centurion Magazine, a quarterly owned by American Express, and whose stable of publications includes the wonderful Departures.

Of course, I’m delighted that Centurion has included us in a magazine that has significant reach, particularly in parts of the globe – Asia, for example – that we are keen to explore and generate new custom. However, what I’m especially pleased about is that a magazine that describes itself as an ‘encyclopaedia of luxury’ should see fit to mention our eco-credentials, and in particular Wild Philanthropy, our sister charity.

Space, we once said, in a number of blogs, and in our 2014 brochure, is the new luxury. This is even more today than it was four years ago. Population growth, climate change, poor governance, poaching, and inappropriate land practices, have all resulted in the greatest spaces on earth being compromised, whittled away and, in some cases, all but destroyed.

Fortunately, while the forecasts for Africa’s wildernesses aren’t good, there is time, and there is hope, and there exists the will, the big ideas, the expertise and the organisation with which to effect enormous and long-lasting change, one in which sustainable tourism has a huge part to play. JbD has long championed the virtues and benefits of sustainable travel. Wild Philanthropy takes all of this a step further, and allows us to channel energy and on-the-ground knowhow into helping save at-risk ecosystems, from the ground-up.

So, I know: I’ve broken my promise. I’ve gone on far too long. I sort of apologise. If you get a chance, do have a look at the piece in Centurion. And if you’re thinking about travelling to Africa or would like to continue the above conversation in person, do get in touch. I’d be only too happy help.

Centurion Journeys by Design Wildlife Shot

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