Elephant at Dusk, Kevin Matto, Bostwana

Kevin Matto, 15 Years and a Cause for Celebration

15 Years, a Cause for Celebration and thanks to Kevin Matto.  It’s a clumsy title, I know, but I’m not sure how else to bring everything together. Kevin Matto is a client, who along with his wife Amy recently travelled to Botswana and Mozambique, and who among many other talents happens to be an excellent amateur photographer, and who we have to thank for all the images that make up the Journeys by Design 15 years celebratory concertina card which we sent out early January. There, I’ve said it all.

It’s difficult to believe that it has been 15 years since setting up Journeys by Design, which began, I’m happy to admit, at a desk in my parents-in-law’s house in London. I can still remember the thrill of designing my very first safari and I can honestly say that everything that drove me then I continue to feel: conservation, conservation, conservation.

Kevin Matto, Botswana Lion chasing Buffalo

On which note, no doubt you’ll notice that I mention in the card further development with regards to our sister company, Wild Philanthropy. Set up to fill what I see to be a real gap in terms of the opportunity to philanthropically invest in wild Africa, Wild Philanthropy is the final incarnation of a 7 year old dream, the pieces of which are just about in place. More on which at another time.

So, I’d just like to mark the occasion by thanking not just Kevin for free use of his images, and for making the very most of what I know to have been a wonderful safari, but also to all of you, and to everyone past and present at Journey by Design, for making the last 15 years so very special.

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