
Travel for nature

Another short blog, this time to keep you up to date with the progress we’re making towards becoming a net positive business.

Becoming such a business simply means putting back more into society, the environment, and the global economy than we take out. This includes aiming for net zero carbon emissions, tackling poverty, and empowering local communities.

While we don’t have all the answers, we are always working towards becoming the ideal: a net positive business. You can find out exactly how at Net Positive, but for now here below – in broad brushstrokes – is where we are. While by no means always following through perfectly, every decision we make, we try to make on the basis of these five starting points.

The chain

We are working to create a sustainable business.  This means measuring, reducing, and offsetting the cost of the business in terms of carbon emissions. It means adopting and honouring standards of work that make the business a net positive one. Critically, this includes auditing our supply chains and working with suppliers to make the necessary changes.

Don’t buy this safari

We are against consumption and growth for consumption and growth’s sake. To this end, we question the purpose of every safari we design; we design only 100 safaris a year; and we proactively suggest solutions to large-footprint trips, including alternative ways to travel and going local.

Destination, destination, destination

Every decision we make is in the name of our destinations. Success is measured, therefore, on our ability to support long term sustainable development in our destinations and on the fulfilment of our social contract with our local community stakeholders.

Above board

We are transparent and pragmatic about what it will cost to transition to a net positive business. This means being above board about the thinking and evidence for how we price our safaris and the impact of those safaris. In doing so, we share the ownership of responsible travel, making genuine partners of our travellers.

For a good world

We have a view on events that affect – negatively and positively – achieving a net positive world. We are not, therefore, silent on issues that affect democracy, universal rights, or are detrimental to the environment. It is incumbent on us to step forward in the name of everything that we value in society.

So, that’s the update. As said, these are broad brush strokes and a work in progress. You’ll be able to dig into details and the reporting on the website. Otherwise, any questions, please do give Paul Herbertson or myself a ring.

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