Journeys by Design team barbecue on the beach

JbD’s big beach barbecue

The weather is getting warmer and it’s the time of year when we re-realise why Brighton is a great place to live.

On Tuesday afternoon during our weekly team catch up, I quietly suggested it might be a nice idea to have a picnic at The Level (our local park). As is customary at JbD meetings, within seconds of putting this to the team, it escalated into an agreement to close the office early and have a full-blown beach barbecue bonanza.

So this is exactly what we did. At precisely 14.30 on Wednesday afternoon, Zuzana and I set out, armed with a cool box and a credit card for a sweep of our local shops, returning with enough provisions to feed the 5,000.

As a team we cycled down to the seafront, past King George IV’s Royal Pavilion, the Palace Pier, Brighton Grand Hotel, the i360 and all the way to Edwardian Hove, an oasis among the tourist traps that consume Brighton on days like this. We nabbed a quiet spot on the beach.

The hoards arrived, barbecues were fired up, beers were drunk, burgers flipped and sausages charred. We had a swim and ate some more. Friends came down with more bubbly and we danced the night away on the warm pebbles.

It was a truly lovely evening to let our hair down. It’s at times like this, sitting in the sun and drinking fine wines that I remember what a brilliant bunch of people I work with. What do we live for if not for making and growing relationships in ways such as this? All under the roof of our wonderful home town, Brighton. Well worth a visit.

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Journeys by Design team cycling through Brighton to the beach for a barbecue

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